About the award

Veritatis Splendor is being awarded by Małopolska Region Assembly for extraordinary merits in promoting the dialogue between cultures, in social, cultural and interreligious aspects.

Veritatis Splendor Award has been also established in commemoration of World Youth Days, which were held in Krakow in 2016.

Patron of the Award is saint John Paul II, who is called the Man of Dialogue. Life and pontificate of Holy Father John Paul II, Great Pole and Malopolska Citizen, were and still are an example of being open for variety of cultures, interreligious dialogue, combating stereotypes, prejudice and hostility.

Veritatis Splendor Award is a form of honouring John Paul II, whose merits in area of dialogue between cultures have been widely appreciated.

The Małopolska Region of John Paul II Veritatis Splendor Award is granted for persons open for different cultures, combating stereotypes and acting in the name of knowing and coexistence with other human beings.

The award also underlines the Małopolska identity internationally together with its uniqueness and intellectual heritage.

The Award winner is chosen in every 2 years by the Committee to which are invited high-ranking representatives of the Catholic Church and authorities of culture, politics and science.

Value of the Award is an equivalent of 100 000 USD.

The first edition of the Award took place in year 2016.


Resolution of The Authorities of The Małopolska Region Assembly

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