Golec uOrkiestra life show under the Papal window – PHOTOS

One of the attractions accompanying the Fair were the concerts held on a special stage at 3 Franciszkańska Street, under the Papal window.

The first star to take the stage was the Golec uOrkiestra band. The band was formed in 1998 by Łukasz and Paweł Golec and has enjoyed a steady reputation on the Polish music market and a faithful cohort of fans. The band combines the traditional sounds of the Arc of the Carpathians with numerous music genres including pop, alternative music, rock’n’roll, rhythm and blues and jazz. When performing, the band has built its image through a number of hits, e.g. “Crazy Is My Life”, “Słodycze”, “Pędzą konie” and “Ściernisco”. The musicians wrote a piece called “Leć muzyczko” [Fly Music, Fly] especially dedicated to Pope John Paul II. They have given over 1,500 concerts worldwide.

source: www.malopolska.pl

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